lunes, 16 de enero de 2012

POEM II, almost unknown poem by Alejandra Pizarnik


No matter if when love calls me
I am dead.
I will come.
I will always come
if love
sometimes calls.

   No importa si cuando llama el amor
yo estoy muerta.
Siempre vendré
si alguna vez
llama el amor.

This poem was published for the first and only time in Buenos Aires, in the "Poesía=Poesía" magazine, in 1959. In this publication, there were two poems that were later included in the book "Árbol de Diana" (Diana´s tree). Specifically in the "1959". We will never know why Pizarnik put aside this small text.

ALEJANDRA PIZARNIK (Buenos Aires, 1936-1972). She was a great Argentinian poet, representative of the poetic surrealism. She committed suicide at the age of 36, but wrote an important literary work.

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